Proud parents of our sixth litter were CH Gabra Gina Klajdovky and SC FinnFeline's Envy Me, DVM. 
In the 20th of February 2018, Tuesday evening Gabra started her delivery. There were seven beautiful kittens born. As always, Gabra took great care of her kittens. Unfortunately one of the kittens had to put down to sleep when she was almost two moths old. She suddenly stopped eating and her weight dropped. Despite antibiotics and other treatments her conditions didn't get any better. Autopsy raport told us that she had inborn developmental disorder in her aorta. So there was nothing we could have done to save her.
Tiistai-iltana 20. helmikuuta 2018 Gabra aloitti synnytyksensä. Pentuja syntyi yhteensä seitsemän. Kuten aiemminkin, Gabra huolehti pennuistaan upeasti. Ikäväksemme yksi pennuista jouduttiin lopettamaan melkein kahden kuukauden iässä. Pentu lopetti yhtäkkiä syömisen ja hänen painonsa alkoi tietysti samalla laskea. Kaikista hoidoista huolimatta pennun vointi ei lähtenyt kohentumaan ja eläinlääkäri epäili voinnin romahtamisen johtuvan jostain vakavemmasta. Ruumiinavausraportista kävi ilmi, että pennulla oli synnynnäinen aortan kehityshäiriö. 
name colour EMS-code sex status
FinnFeline's Guiding Star "Alma" silvertortie with white fs 09 female moved to Tampere
FinnFeline's A Star All Heart "Taika" blacksilverspotted with white ns 09 24 female moved to Tampere
FinnFeline's Forever Mine blacksmoke ns female t 19.4.18 
FinnFeline's Lucky Pearl "Helmi" blacksilver tabby bicolour ns 03 22 female moved to Turku
FinnFeline's Everchanging "Rolle" redsilverspotted with white ds 09 24 male moved to Helsinki
FinnFeline's Twinkle In My Eye "Magnus" redsilverspotted with white ds 09 24 male moved to Vantaa
FinnFeline's Daydream "Master" blacksilver mackarel tabby with white ns 09 24 male moved to Hämeenlinna